







  1. 2004年参与完成了教育部博士点科研基金资助项目:形稳阳极电解催化氧化难降解有机物机理与特性研究(编号:20010247004,2002-2004)。

  2. 2005年完成了苏州生态市建设规划、吴江生态市建设规划等多个生态规划项目。

  3. 2007年参与完成了上海市科学技术委员会科技攻关项目:大型钢厂水资源循环利用(编号:05DZ12017,2006/1-2007/12)。

  4. 主持完成上海市杨浦区环境保护局项目:城市地表扬尘污染源解析研究;项目负责人(项目编号:20112762;项目时间:2011.12-2012.12)。

  5. 主持完成上海市科委科学基金面上项目:高效生物炭新技术对微污染水中铁锰的去除机理及其工程菌构建的基础研究;项目负责人(项目编号:10ZR1432500;项目时间:2010.4-2013.3)。

  6. 主持完成杨浦区环境保护局项目:杨浦区处置突发环境事件应急预案、杨浦区处置核与辐射事件应急预案(2013.1-2013.10)。

  7. 主持完成杨浦区环保局项目:杨浦区处置突发环境事件应急手册(2014.5-2014.12)。


  1. 主持国家自然基金面上项目:新型生物炭工艺的高效锰氧化菌的除锰机理及其功能蛋白酶和基因研究(2013.1-2016.12)。

  2. 主持上海市经济信息委员会创新项目:混凝土绿色环保化生产制备关键技术(2013.1-2014.12)。











  1. Wenwei Tang*, Yanfei Li, Weihao Li , Xuejin Chen, Xinping Zeng. Preparation of a coated Ti anode for producing acidic electrolyzed oxidizing water.LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2015,doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2015.10.060, Online.

  2. Wenwei Tang*, Weihao Li,Yanfei Li, Min Zhang, Xinping Zeng. Electrochemical sensor based on multi-walled nanotubes for investigating the damage and action of 6-mercaptopurine on double-stranded DNA.New journal of chemistry, 2015, 39: 8454-8460.

  3. Wenwei Tang*,Lei Li, Xinping Zeng*, A glucose biosensor based on the synergistic action of nanometer-sized TiO2and polyaniline.Talanta, 2015, (131): 417-423

  4. Wenwei Tang*, Min Zhang, Weihao Li, et al. An electrochemical sensor based on polyaniline for monitoring hydroquinone and its damage on DNA.Talanta, 2014, (127): 262-268.

  5. Wenwei Tang*, Lei Li, Lujun Wu, et al. Glucose Biosensor Based on a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Polythionine and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes.Plos one, 2014, (5)9: e95030

  6. Wenwei Tang*, Xiaoying Chen, Jin Xia, Jiemin Gong, Xinping Zeng*,Preparation of an Fe-Doped Visible-Light-Response TiO2Film Electrode and Its Photoelectrocatalytic Activity.Materials Science and Engineering B, 2014, (187): 39-45

  7. Wenwei Tang*,Lujun Wu, Jiemin Gong,Guoqing Yeand Xinping Zeng*, Screening, identification, and removal dynamics of a novel iron-manganese removal strain,Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering2014, (24):2049-2056

  8. Wenwei Tang*, Min Zhang, Xinping Zeng, Establishment ofdsDNA/GNs/chit/GCE biosensor and electrochemical study on interaction between 6-mercaptopurine and DNA.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, (24): 1071-1077.

  9. Wenwei Tang*, Jin Xia, Xinping Zeng, et al. Biologicalcharacteristics and oxidation mechanism of a new manganese-oxidizing bacteria FM-2.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, (24): 703-709.

  10. Xinping Zeng,Min Zhang,Weihao Li,Chang Li,Wenwei Tang*,Investigation on the decolorizing mechanism ofpseudomonassp. R1 on reactive red X-3B.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, (24) 931-937.

  11. Wenwei Tang*, Lujun Wu, Xiaoying Chen, Xinping Zeng. Degradation of Rhodamine B with Visible light Response of Fe2O3/TiO2Film Electrode.ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2014, 3 (5): Q69-Q73.

  12. Wenwei Tang*, Lujun Wu and Xiaoying Chen. Photocatalytic degradation on Disperse Blue with nano-TiO2film electrode.Int. J. Materials and Product Technology, 2013, (46)4:269-288.

  13. Wenwei Tang, Qian Wang, Xinping Zeng*, et al. Photocatalytic degradation on Disperse Blue with modified nano-TiO2film electrode.Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012, 16(4): 1429-1445.

  14. Xinping Zeng, Min Zhang, Xiaodan Wang, Xiaoying Chen, Xingzhi Su,Wenwei Tang*. Effects of Sn content on Ti/RuO2–SnO2–TiO2anodes used in the generation of electrolyzed oxidizing water.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2012, 677-680:133-138.

  15. Tang W W, Zeng X P, Zhao Y S, Ye G Q, Gui W C and Ni Y M. Disinfection Effect and Its Mechanism of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water on Spores of Bacillus subtilis var. Niger.Food Science and Biotechnology, 2011, 20 (4): 889-895

  16. Zeng X P, Ye G Q,Tang W W*, Ouyang T, Tian L, Ni Y M and Li P. Fungicidal Efficiency of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water on Candida albicans and Its Biochemical Mechanism.Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2011, 112(1): 86-91

  17. Zeng X P,Tang W W*, Ye G Q, Ouyang T, Tian L, Ni Y M and Li P. Studies on disinfection mechanism of electrolyzed oxidizing water on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.Journal of Food Science, 2010, 75(5): M253-M260

  18. Tang W W, Zeng X P, Wang Q, et al. Wet Air Oxidation of Polyether Solutions,Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2010, 49(8):815-819

  19. Tang W W, Zeng X P, Xiao Y M,et al. Study on Mechanism of Wet Air Oxidation of Emulsification Wastewater,Water Environment Research, 2009,81(4): 416-422

  20. Zeng X P,Tang W W, Zhao J F, et al. Study on Dynamics Characteristics of Wet Air Oxidation of Non-ionic Surfactants,Science in China, Series B: Chemistry, 2008,51(10): 993-999

  21. Tang W W, Zeng X P, Zhao J F, et al. The study on the wet air oxidation of highly concentrated emulsified wastewater and its kinetics,Separation and Purification Technology, 2003, 31: 77-82


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